About Our Stylist Training Program
At Supercuts®, we keep our Stylists up-to-date on the latest styles, techniques, and sales procedures by providing periodic advanced training sessions and, in order to provide a more realistic live training scenario, we offer complimentary haircuts to Models wishing to participate in our training program.
What To Expect
Your Stylist is a licensed Stylist or Cosmetologist who currently works at one of the local Supercuts® Salons in your area and our Licensed Stylist Instructors oversee the services provided to you during your session.
Please understand that, as a training session, many services that might be expected during a typical Supercuts® Salon visit, such as shampooing, blow drying, hair treatments & coloring, and the ability to purchase hair care products, are NOT available during these training sessions. To receive these hair treatments, or purchase products, visit your local Supercuts® Salon.
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